Large Theropod

Indosuchus ‭(‬Indian crocodile‭)‬


Indosuchus ‭(‬Indian crocodile‭)‬ Phonetic In-do-soo-kus Named By Charles Alfred Matley‭ & ‬Friedrich von Huene‭ ‬-‭ ‬1933 Diet Carnivore Size Estimated 6-7 meters long Type of Dinosaur Large Theropod Type Species I.‭ ‬raptorius‭ (‬type‭)‬ Found in India‭ ‬-‭ ‬Lameta Formation When it Lived Late Cretaceous, 70 million years ago Indosuchus Facts Indosuchus is an extinct genus …

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Goyocephale ‭(‬adorned head‭)‬


Goyocephale ‭(‬adorned head‭)‬ Phonetic goy-oh-keff-ah-lee Named By A.‭ ‬Perle,‭ ‬T.‭ ‬Maryanska‭ & ‬H.‭ ‬Osmólska‭ ‬-‭ ‬1982 Diet Herbivore Size Estimated 2.5 meters long Type of Dinosaur Large Theropod Type Species G.‭ ‬lattimorei‭ (‬type‭)‬ Found in Mongolia When it Lived Late Cretaceous, 70 million years ago Goyocephale Facts Goyocephale is a genus of pachycephalosaurid dinosaur that …

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Gorgosaurus‭ (‬Fierce lizard‭)


Gorgosaurus‭ (‬Fierce lizard‭) Phonetic Gor-go-sore-us Named By Lawrence Lambe‭ ‬-‭ ‬1914 Diet Carnivore Size Estimated 9 meters long Type of Dinosaur Large Theropod Type Species G.‭ ‬libratus (type) Found in Canada,‭ ‬Alberta.‭ ‬Possibly the US state of Montana When it Lived Late Cretaceous, 76-68 million years ago Gorgosaurus‭ Facts Gorgosaurus is a genus of carnivorous …

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Giganotosaurus‭ (‬Giant southern lizard‭)


Giganotosaurus‭ (‬Giant southern lizard‭) Phonetic Gee-gah-note-oh-sore-us Named By Rodolfo Coria‭ & ‬Leonardo Salgado‭ & Scott Sampson ‬-1995 Diet Carnivore Size Estimated 12-13.2 meters long Type of Dinosaur Large Theropod Type Species G.‭ ‬carolinii‭ (‬type‭) Found in Argentina -‭ ‬Candeleros Formation When it Lived Late Cretaceous, 99-97 million years ago Giganotosaurus‭ Facts Giganotosaurus, meaning “giant southern …

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Garudimimus ‭(‬Garuda mimic‭)


Garudimimus ‭(‬Garuda mimic‭) Phonetic Gah-ru-di-mime-us Named By Sergei Kurzanov – 1987 Diet Omnivore Size Estimated 3  meters long Type of Dinosaur Large Theropod Type Species G.‭ ‬brevipes‭ (‬type‭) Found in Mongolia‭ ‬-‭ ‬Bayan Shireh Formation When it Lived Late Cretaceous, 84-70 million years ago Garudimimus Facts Garudimimus (meaning “Garuda mimic”) is a genus of theropod …

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Gallimimus ‭(‬Chicken mimic‭)


Gallimimus ‭(‬Chicken mimic‭) Phonetic Gal-lee-mime-us Named By Halszka Osmólska,‭ ‬Ewa Roniewics‭ & ‬Rinchen Barsbold‭ ‬-‭ ‬1972 Diet Omnivore Size Estimated 6 meters long Type of Dinosaur Large Theropod Type Species G.‭ ‬bullatus‭ (‬type‭)‬ Found in Mongolia‭ ‬-‭ ‬Nemegt Formation When it Lived Late Cretaceous, 70 million years ago Gallimimus Facts Gallimimus is a genus of …

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Fukuiraptor‭ (‬Fukui thief‭)


Fukuiraptor‭ (‬Fukui thief‭) Phonetic Foo-kwee-rap-tor Named By Azuma‭ & ‬Currie‭ ‬-‭ ‬2000 Diet Carnivore Size Estimated 4-5 meters long Type of Dinosaur Large Theropod Type Species F.‭ ‬kitadaniensis‭ (‬type‭) Found in Japan,‭ ‬Honshu Island,‭ ‬Fukui Prefecture -‭ ‬Kitadani Formation When it Lived Late Cretaceous, 80 million years ago Fukuiraptor‭ Facts Fukuiraptor was a genus of …

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Eustreptospondylus‭ (‬Well curved vertebra‭)


Eustreptospondylus‭ (‬Well curved vertebra‭) Phonetic Yoo-strep-to-spon-di-lus Named By Alick Walker‭ ‬-‭ ‬1964 Diet Carnivore Size Estimated 6-7 meters long Type of Dinosaur Large Theropod Type Species E.‭ ‬oxoniensis (type) Found in England When it Lived Late Jurassic, 161-155 million years ago Eustreptospondylus Facts Eustreptospondylus is a genus of theropod dinosaur that lived during the Late …

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Eotyrannus (Dawn Tyrant)


Eotyrannus (Dawn Tyrant) Phonetic E-oh-ty-ran-us Named By Steve Hutt et al. – 2001 Diet Carnivore Size Estimated 4.5 meters long Type of Dinosaur Large Theropod Type Species E. lengi (type) Found in United Kingdom, Isle of Wight – Wessex Formation When it Lived Early Cretaceous, 130 million years ago Eotyrannus Facts Eotyrannus, meaning “Dawn Tyrant,” …

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Eolambia ‭(‬Dawn Lambe‭ ‬-‭ ‬after the palaeontologist Lawrence Lambe‭)


Eolambia ‭(‬Dawn Lambe‭ ‬-‭ ‬after the palaeontologist Lawrence Lambe‭) Phonetic E-oh-lam-be-ah Named By James Kirkland‭ ‬-‭ ‬1998 Diet Herbivore Size Estimated 6-9 meters long Type of Dinosaur Large Theropod Type Species E.‭ ‬caroljonesa‭ (‬type‭) Found in USA,‭ ‬Utah‭ ‬-‭ ‬Cedar Mountain Formation,‭ ‬Mussentuchit Member When it Lived Late Cretaceous, 98 million years ago Eolambia Facts …

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