
Jinzhousaurus ‭(‬Jinzhou lizard‭)‬


Jinzhousaurus ‭(‬Jinzhou lizard‭)‬ Phonetic Jin-zu-sor-us Named By X.‭ ‬Wang‭ & ‬X.‭ ‬Xu‭ ‬-‭ ‬2001 Diet Herbivore Size Estimated 2 meters long Type of Dinosaur Euornithopod Type Species J.‭ ‬yangi‭ (‬type‭) Found in China,‭ ‬Liaoning Province‭ ‬-‭ ‬Yixian Formation When it Lived Early Cretaceous, 125 million years ago Jinzhousaurus Facts Jinzhousaurus, meaning “Jinzhou lizard,” is a …

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Jiangshanosaurus ‭(‬Jiangshan lizard‭)‬


Jiangshanosaurus ‭(‬Jiangshan lizard‭)‬ Phonetic Je-ang-shan-o-sore-us Named By F.‭ ‬Tang,‭ ‬X.-M.‭ ‬Kang,‭ ‬Z.-S.‭ ‬Jin,‭ ‬F.‭ ‬Wei‭ & ‬W.-T.‭ ‬Wu‭ ‬-‭ ‬2001 Diet Herbivore Size Estimated 5 meters long Type of Dinosaur Sauropod Type Species J.‭ ‬lixianensis‭ (‬type‭) Found in China,‭ ‬Zhejiang Province‭ ‬-‭ ‬Jinhua Formation When it Lived Late Jurassic, 160 million years ago Jiangshanosaurus Facts …

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Jaxartosaurus ‭(‬Jaxartes lizard‭ ‬-‭ ‬after the Jaxartes River‭)‬


Jaxartosaurus ‭(‬Jaxartes lizard‭ ‬-‭ ‬after the Jaxartes River‭)‬ Phonetic Jax-art-o-sore-us Named By Anatoly Nikolaenvich Riabinin‭ ‬-‭ ‬1938 Diet Herbivore Size Estimated 8 meters long Type of Dinosaur Euornithopod Type Species J.‭ ‬aralensis‭ (‬type‭)‬ Found in China.‭ ‬Kazakhstan When it Lived Late Cretaceous, 85-70 million years ago Jaxartosaurus Facts Jaxartosaurus, also known as the “Jaxartes lizard,” …

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Janenschia ‭(‬named after Werner Janensch‭)‬


Janenschia ‭(‬named after Werner Janensch‭)‬ Phonetic Ya-nen-she-a Named By Rupert Wild‭ ‬-‭ ‬1991 Diet Herbivore Size Estimated 20 meters long Type of Dinosaur Sauropod Type Species J.‭ ‬robusta‭ (‬type‭)‬ Found in Tanzania‭ ‬-‭ ‬Tendaguru Formation When it Lived Late Jurassic, 154-150 million years ago Janenschia Facts Janenschia is a genus of sauropod dinosaur that lived …

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Isisaurus ‭(‬Indian Statistical Institute lizard‭)


Isisaurus ‭(‬Indian Statistical Institute lizard‭) Phonetic I-si-sore-us Named By Wilson‭ & ‬Upchurch‭ ‬-‭ ‬2003 Diet Herbivore Size Estimated 14-18 meters long Type of Dinosaur Sauropod Type Species I.‭ ‬colberti‭ (‬type‭)‬ Found in India – Lameta Formation When it Lived Late Cretaceous, 71-65 million years ago Isisaurus Facts Isisaurus is indeed a valid genus of titanosaurian …

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Irritator (‬In reference to the‭ ‘‬irritation‭’ ‬of the palaeontologists‭ ‬-‭ ‬refer to text for details‭)‬


Irritator (‬In reference to the‭ ‘‬irritation‭’ ‬of the palaeontologists) Phonetic Ih-re-tay-tor Named By D.‭ ‬M.‭ ‬Martill,‭ ‬A.‭ ‬R.‭ ‬I.‭ ‬Cruikshank,‭ ‬E.‭ ‬Frey,‭ ‬P.‭ ‬G.‭ ‬Small‭ & ‬M.‭ ‬Clarke‭ ‬-‭ ‬1996 Diet Carnivore Size Estimated 6-8 meters long Type of Dinosaur Large Theropod Type Species I.‭ ‬challengeri‭ (‬type‭) Found in Brazil‭ ‬-‭ ‬probably the Santana Formation …

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Ingenia ‭(‬she camel‭)


Ingenia ‭(‬she camel‭) Phonetic In-gen-ia Named By Rinchen Barsbold ‬-‭ ‬1981 Diet Carnivore Size Estimated up to 3.5 meters long Type of Dinosaur Small Theropod Type Species / Found in Mongolia When it Lived Late Miocene, 11-9 million years ago Ingenia Facts Ingenia, also known as the “she camel,” is an extinct genus of camel …

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Indosuchus ‭(‬Indian crocodile‭)‬


Indosuchus ‭(‬Indian crocodile‭)‬ Phonetic In-do-soo-kus Named By Charles Alfred Matley‭ & ‬Friedrich von Huene‭ ‬-‭ ‬1933 Diet Carnivore Size Estimated 6-7 meters long Type of Dinosaur Large Theropod Type Species I.‭ ‬raptorius‭ (‬type‭)‬ Found in India‭ ‬-‭ ‬Lameta Formation When it Lived Late Cretaceous, 70 million years ago Indosuchus Facts Indosuchus is an extinct genus …

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Iguanodon ‭(‬Iguana tooth‭)


Iguanodon ‭(‬Iguana tooth‭) Phonetic Ig-wah-no-don Named By Gideon Mantell‭ ‬-‭ ‬1825 Diet Herbivore Size Estimated up to 10 meters long Type of Dinosaur Euornithopod Type Species I.‭ ‬bernissartensis‭ (‬neotype‭) I. galvensis Found in Initially associated with Western Europe,‭ ‬attributed remains are now known in Africa,‭ ‬Asia and North America When it Lived Early Cretaceous, 130-125 …

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Hypsilophodon ‭(‬Hypsilophus-tooth‭)


Hypsilophodon ‭(‬Hypsilophus-tooth‭) Phonetic hip-sih-loh-foh-don Named By Thomas Henry Huxley ‭ ‬-‭ ‬1869 Diet Herbivore Size Estimated 1.8 meters long Type of Dinosaur Euornithopod Type Species Hypsilophodon foxii (‬type‭) Found in England, Spain When it Lived Early Cretaceous, 125 million years ago Hypsilophodon Facts Hypsilophodon, also known as the “Hypsilophus-tooth,” was a small herbivorous dinosaur that …

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