Edmontosaurus (Edmonton lizard)

Lawrence Lambe - 1917
Estimated 13 meters long
regalis (type)
Late Cretaceous, 73-65 million years ago
Edmontosaurus Facts
Edmontosaurus, meaning “Edmonton lizard,” is a genus of hadrosaurid dinosaur that lived during the Late Cretaceous period, approximately 73 to 65 million years ago, in what is now North America.
Edmontosaurus was a large herbivorous dinosaur, with a long, flat snout and rows of closely packed teeth that it used for grinding tough vegetation. It had a relatively small head compared to its body, a long, flexible tail, and strong, sturdy legs. Like other hadrosaurids, it may have lived in herds and used its complex communication system to communicate with other members of its species.
The discovery of Edmontosaurus has provided important insights into the diversity and evolution of hadrosaurid dinosaurs during the Late Cretaceous period. Its physical characteristics suggest that it was a highly successful and adaptable species that was able to thrive in a variety of environments and ecosystems.
Despite its importance, relatively few complete fossils of Edmontosaurus have been found, making it a relatively poorly known dinosaur. Nonetheless, it remains a fascinating and important species for scientists and dinosaur enthusiasts alike, offering important clues into the complex ecosystems and evolutionary processes of the Late Cretaceous period in North America.