Large Theropod

Carnotaurus ‭(‬Meat eating bull‭)


Carnotaurus ‭(‬Meat eating bull‭) Phonetic Car-no-tore-us Named By José Bonaparte‭ ‬-‭ ‬1985 Diet Carnivore Size Estimated 8 meters long Type of Dinosaur Large Theropod Type Species C.‭ ‬sastrei‭ (‬type‭)‬ Found in Argentina,‭ ‬Chubut Province‭ ‬-‭ ‬La Colonia Formation When it Lived Late Cretaceous, 72 million years ago Carnotaurus Facts Carnotaurus was a large, bipedal theropod …

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Carcharodontosaurus ‭(‬Shark toothed lizard‭)‬


Carcharodontosaurus ‭(‬Shark toothed lizard‭)‬ Phonetic Car-kah-roe-don-to sore-us Named By Ernst Stromer‭ ‬-‭ ‬1931 Diet Carnivore Size Estimated 12-15 meters long Type of Dinosaur Large Theropod Type Species C.‭ ‬saharicus‭ (‬type‭)‬.‭ ‬C.‭ ‬iguidensis Found in Algeria – Continental Intercalaire Formation, Brazil – Alcântara Formation?, Egypt – Baharîje Formation, Mut Formation, Morocco – Aoufous Formation, Kem Kem …

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Becklespinax Phonetic beck-el-spien-aks Named By Paul -1988 Diet Carnivore Size Estimated 5 meters long Type of Dinosaur Large Theropod Type Species altispinax‭ (‬type‭) Found in  United Kingdom When it Lived Early Cretaceous, 130 million years ago Becklespinax Facts Becklespinax, named after Paul, was a species of theropod dinosaur that lived approximately 130 million years ago. …

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Baryonyx ‭(‬Heavy claw‭)‬


Baryonyx ‭(‬Heavy claw‭)‬ Phonetic Bah-ree-on-ix Named By Alan Charig‭ & ‬Angela Milner‭ ‬-‭ ‬1986 Diet Carnivore/Piscivore Size Estimated 9-10 meters long Type of Dinosaur Large Theropod Type Species B.‭ ‬walkeri‭ (‬type‭) Found in England,‭ ‬Surrey.‭ ‬Spain.‭ ‬Portugal.‭ ‬Possibly North Africa When it Lived Early Cretaceous, 130 million years ago Baryonyx Facts Baryonyx, meaning “heavy claw” …

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Azendohsaurus ‭(‬Azendoh lizard‭)


Azendohsaurus ‭(‬Azendoh lizard‭) Phonetic A-zen-doe-sore-us Named By J.‭ ‬M.‭ ‬Dutuit‭ ‬-‭ ‬1972 Diet Herbivore Size Estimated 2-3 meters long Type of Dinosaur Large Theropod Type Species A.‭ ‬laaroussi‭ (‬type‭)‬,‭ ‬A.‭ ‬madagaskarensis Found in Morocco When it Lived Late Triassic, 215 million years ago Azendohsaurus Facts Azendohsaurus, which means “Azendoh lizard,” was a small, quadrupedal dinosaur …

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Aucasaurus ‭(‬Auca lizard‭)‬


Aucasaurus ‭(‬Auca lizard‭)‬ Phonetic Aw-cah-sore-us Named By Coria,‭ ‬Chiappe‭ & ‬Dingus‭ ‬-‭ ‬2002 Diet Carnivore Size Estimated 5-6 meters long Type of Dinosaur Large Theropod Type Species A.‭ ‬garridoi‭ (‬type‭)‬ Found in Argentina‭ ‬-‭ ‬Anacleto Formation When it Lived Late Cretaceous, 80 million years ago Aucasaurus Facts Aucasaurus is a genus of theropod dinosaurs that …

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Anserimimus ‭(‬Goose mimic‭)


Anserimimus ‭(‬Goose mimic‭) Phonetic An-ser-e-mime-us Named By Rinchen Barsbold‭ ‬-‭ ‬1988 Diet Carnivore Size Estimated 3 meters long Type of Dinosaur Large Theropod Type Species A.‭ ‬planinychus‭ (‬type‭) Found in Mongolia,‭ ‬Bayankhongor Province‭ ‬-‭ ‬Nemegt Formation When it Lived Late Cretaceous, 84-65 million years ago Anserimimus Facts Anserimimus (/,aens@rI’maIm@s “goose mimic”) is a genus belonging …

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Allosaurus ‭(‬Different lizard‭)


Allosaurus ‭(‬Different lizard‭) Phonetic Al-loh-sore-us Named By Othniel Charles Marsh‭ ‬-‭ ‬1877 Diet Carnivore Size Estimated 8.5 meters long, some specimens up to 12 meter long Type of Dinosaur Large Theropod Type Species A.‭ ‬fragilis‭ (‬type‭), A.‭ ‬europaeus, A. jimmadseni‬ Found in USA,‭ ‬Portugal,‭ ‬possibly Tanzania When it Lived Late Jurassic, 156-144 million years ago …

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Alioramus ‭(‬Different Branch‭)


Alioramus ‭(‬Different Branch‭) Phonetic Ah-lee-oh-ray-mus Named By Sergei Kurzanov‭ ‬-‭ ‬1976 Diet Carnivore Size Estimated 6 meters long Type of Dinosaur Large Theropod Type Species A.‭ ‬remotus‭ (‬type‭)‬,‭ ‬A.‭ ‬altai Found in Mongolia When it Lived Late Cretaceous, 71-65 million years ago Alioramus Facts Alioramus (/,aelioU’reIm@s/) is a species of theropod dinosaurs from early in …

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Alectrosaurus (Unmarried lizard)


Alectrosaurus (Unmarried lizard) Phonetic Ah-lec-tro-sore-us Named By Charles Gilmore – 1933 Diet Carnivore Size Estimated 5-6 meters long Type of Dinosaur Large Theropod Type Species A. olseni (type) Found in China, Mongolia – Iren Dabasu Formation When it Lived Late Cretaceous, 90-70 million years ago Alectrosaurus Facts Alectrosaurus (/@,lektroU’so:r@s/ which translates to “alone lizard”) is …

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