Aragosaurus (Aragon lizard)

J. L. Sanz, A. D. Buscalioni, M.-L. Casanovas and J.-V. Santafe - 1987
Estimated 18 meters long
A. ischiaticus (type)
Spain, Province of Teruel - El Castellar Formation
Early Cretaceous, 132-121 million years ago
Aragosaurus Facts
The Aragosaurus (meaning “Aragon lizard”) was a sauropod genus dinosaurs from The Early Cretaceous period of Galve Province of Teruel located in the autonomy of Aragon, Spain. It was found within the Villar del Arzobispo Formation.
Aragosaurus was a huge, quadruple-pedal plants-eater (herbivorous) dinosaur, that was present in the period of Berriasian around 145 to 140 million years prior to. It was around 18 metres (59 feet) in length, and approximately 25 tons in mass.
Similar to other sauropods, it had a neck that was long and a powerful long tail, a tiny head, and a large body. It was a lot like Camarasaurus. It is illustrated in a fragment of a skeleton that was discovered within Spain and was identified in the works of Sanz, Buscalioni, Casanovi and Santafe in 1987. The species of interest is A. ischiaticus. As with Camarasaurus, Aragosaurus probably had small, compact skulls as well as a relatively long neck.
The teeth were long and broad, and could be useful in cutting through the branches and leaves that grew from the taller conifer tree. The forelimbs were slightly longer than hind limbs as was the tail, which was lengthy and strong.