Alioramus (Different Branch)

Sergei Kurzanov - 1976
Estimated 6 meters long
Large Theropod
A. remotus (type), A. altai
Late Cretaceous, 71-65 million years ago
Alioramus Facts
Alioramus (/,aelioU’reIm@s/) is a species of theropod dinosaurs from early in the Late Cretaceous period of Asia. There are currently two species, A. remotus and A. altai. Alioramus was bipedal as are all theropods that are known to exist, but its sharp teeth suggest these were carnivores.
Its ties to other tyrannosaurid genera are not clear, but evidence supports the possibility that Alioramus has a close relationship with the current species Tarbosaurus bataar. The discovery of Qianzhousaurus is a sign that it is a distinct tyrannosaur branch. The Genus Alioramus is identified by the presence of five bony crests that run along the snout’s top and a higher amount of teeth than other genus of tyrannosaurids.
The holotype (PIN 3141/1) of Alioramus is a skull fragment connected to three metatarsals found in the 1970s in a region called Nogon-Tsav located in the Mongolian province of Bayankhongor, Nemegt Formation.
It was identified and described by Russian paleontologist Sergei Kurzanov in 1976 and assigned the species an unspecified name Alioramus which is derived from the Latin Alius (‘other’) and ramus (‘branch’). A different species called A. altai was first discovered in 2001 in Tsagan Khushu and is thought to be 5-6 m (16-20 feet) in length at the time it was recorded in 1976. In 1988, Paul provided a length of 6 meters (20 feet) and 700 kilograms (1,500 lbs).
In 2016, Molina-Perez and Larramendi estimate A. Remotus at 5.5 metres (18 feet) as well as 500 kilograms and 385kg (849 lbs). Kurzanov was not able to adjust for the lengthening of the skull as a result of fossilization deformation that could suggest the shorter length of the body overall for this particular animal.
The skull of Alioramus Remotus was 45 centimeters (1.48 feet) long and a typical shape of tyrannosauroids with more basal structures and juveniles of larger tyrannosaurids. The premaxillary bones located at the top of the snout have not been discovered and are not as tall as broad. Nasal bones have been fused together and embellished with five bony crests with irregular shapes that rise toward the middleline, which measure over 1 centimeter (0.39 in) tall.
The nuchal crest is formed from the parietal bone fused and is greatly in thickness, similar to Tarbosaurus as well as Tyrannosaurus. The lower jaw is long and slim and slender, with a ridge that runs along the outside of the bone in the lower jaw.
Braincases of A. altai were intermediate between the basal and conditions of the avialan, and the remainder of the structure is largely unknown.